Hello Dundee Community Gardeners,
We're not having a harvest night this Monday... the community beds don't have a lot of produce right now. But some of your individual plots are full of produce. Please keep picking! Also, if you have extra produce from your plot that you wish to donate to Together Inc.'s food pantry, let me know... we can pick from your plot, or you can drop it off on my porch at 5106 Western any day and I will take it down there.
Sunday Oct. 18, is Fall Clean-Up Day at the garden. We'll have registration forms to sign up for a plot for 2010 at that time.
We are currently sold out of Chico bags, but will be getting in more this week. Look for them at the Bread Oven-- a great way to support the garden.
T-shirt orders are due by Sunday!
We have two t-shirts that we are taking orders for. All orders must be placed by Sun. Oct 4th. Our goal is to have the t-shirts available by the Oct 18th clean up day.Design #1 (front of shirt only) is $12 and design #2 (front and back) is $15. If you would like to order a t-shirt, send Eric Williams an e-mail at mrerlo@gmail.com Let him know which design and what size you would like to order. We will collect payment for the shirts on delivery.
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