Hello Dundee Community Gardeners and Friends,
FALL HARVEST PARTY AND POT-LUCK This Sunday, Sept. 26, 3-5 p.m. Come celebrate the end of the growing season with a harvest pot-luck. Bring a dish to share and your own re-usable place settings and beverage. You may want to bring a blanket or folding chair as well. We'll be cutting down the sun flowers and giving away the heads to be hung up at home for the birds and squirrels. We'll also have Dundee Community Garden t-shirts available for $15. All garden members and friends of the garden, please join us on Sunday!
FALL HARVEST PARTY AND POT-LUCK This Sunday, Sept. 26, 3-5 p.m. Come celebrate the end of the growing season with a harvest pot-luck. Bring a dish to share and your own re-usable place settings and beverage. You may want to bring a blanket or folding chair as well. We'll be cutting down the sun flowers and giving away the heads to be hung up at home for the birds and squirrels. We'll also have Dundee Community Garden t-shirts available for $15. All garden members and friends of the garden, please join us on Sunday!
FALL CLEAN-UP Sun. Oct. 17, 1-4 p.m. We will need lots of help digging up the sweet potatoes and cleaning out the community beds, so bring shovels and garden tools for the fall clean-up. You'll also want to bring a yard waste bag for cleaning out your own plot. We plan to have a trailer there to collect the yard waste bags.
Note: if you clean out your own plot before Oct. 17, leave the yard waste bag in your plot and we'll load it on the trailer on Oct. 17. If you clean out your plot after Oct. 17, you will need to dispose of your own yard waste bag.
Plots must be cleaned out before you can sign up for a plot for the 2011 season!
FREE RASPBERRY BUSHES We're planning to dig up the raspberry bushes this fall, as they became un-manageable, so please feel free to dig out a raspberry bush to transplant to your own garden! Dig one up at any time, or we'll try to get them all dug up on Oct. 17.
FENCING AND STAKES AVAILABLE: Garden member Carla Hanson has about 40 feet of 3' wire fencing, and about 15 3' metal stakes, available for whoever would like them. If you are interested, contact Carla at 556-8498, or hanson1997@cox.net
HARVEST NIGHTS NOW MONDAYS AT 6:30: It's getting dark earlier so our harvest nights are moved up to 6:30. Please join us if you can help pick produce for Together's food pantry, and we always have a need for help with other gardening tasks. As always, bring gloves, scissors, and other gardening tools to help with harvesting and weeding.
VOLUNTEER HOURS CHART: Check out the chart posted on the large white water container. If you've volunteered some hours that have not been recorded, please update the chart to reflect your hours. If you want to volunteer at a time other than a work night, the beds can always use weeding and dead-heading. Each garden member is expected to contribute eight hours working in the community plots over the course of the gardening season.
EXTRA PRODUCE ALWAYS ACCEPTED FOR THE FOOD PANTRY! Let us know if we can pick from your plot if you're not coming to the harvest night! And if you have produce that is neglected and very ripe, we'll go ahead and add it to our food pantry box!
FROM FRIEND OF THE GARDEN DAVID CORBIN: You might be interested in letting others know about these two neighborhood events on 10-10-10. Here is a link to the environment-related events. http://web.me.com/dcorbin/sites/Corbin_10-10-10.html