Hello Dundee Community Gardeners and Friends,
HARVEST NIGHT: Our first Harvest Night will be this Monday June 28 at 7 p.m. We'll meet at the garden and harvest some of the crops from the community beds to donate to Together Inc.'s food pantry. This is also a good time to help out on the community beds with weeding or mulching, and a good time to work on your own bed.
TOMATO CAGES: On Monday we'll also be making tomato cages out of wire fencing. We'll help you make a cage if you wish-- bring $5 to help defray the cost of materials. Tomato cages will give your tomatoes the support they need as they grow taller, and help contain the tomato plants.
MASTER GARDENER: Master Gardener Rebecca Reagan will be on hand at our work nights to answer any questions you have about what's growing in your plot.
*Please make sure your plants stay inside of your 4' x 10' bed! There's lots of squash trying to make it's way out, and it gets in the way of our lawn mowers.
*Hope to see many of you on Monday-- please be sure to sign in your volunteer hours in the red notebook. We ask each member to contribute 8 hours towards the community beds/ community activities.
*Watering: As a reminder, please water your individual plots with water from the rain barrels, using a watering can (not the hose). If rain barrels are empty, you can fill a watering can with water from the hose/ house next door.
*And make sure you have this date on your July calendar:
Dundee Community Garden Watermelon Feed and Scarecrow Making Party, Sunday July 25, 3-5 p.m.